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Click here to see the Shroud: Unwrapping Lazarus
Click here for the Artist Statement on Shroud: Unwrapping Lazarus

Sample Program from

Here are some topics from past programs of
There have been a variety of topics that participants have written about. The point is not to write about the most painful thing that ever happened to you, but to share how God and the Christian community helped you to a life of greater freedom. I am available to help you in the writing process, whether it be encouragement and coaching, or editing a rough draft.

Unwrapping and finding God Unwrapping and

low self esteem
Unwrapping perfection

Unwrapping and accepting gays

Unwrapping the silence on sexual

Unwrapping and family stresses

Unwrapping the real personality Unwrapping

and drug addiction
Unwrapping one’s mother

the mother tongue Unwrapping and . . .

Unwrapping my unworthiness
Unwrapping and

opening doors
Unwrapping and control

Unwrapped from the inside out Unwrapping

and expectations
Unwrapping and the

Unwrapping and acquiring Spanish

Unwrapping and 911 Unwrapping hope

Unwrapping and forgiveness Unwrapping and

picking up the pieces
Unwrapping and

beginning again
Unwrapping and the power of

the single word
Does God unwrap us?

Unwrapping and unwrapping again

Care to comment? Visit my blog at http://apps.nancyrakoczy.com/Blog

1. Welcome

2. Scripture: John:11/ The Raising of Lazarus/ J. Murray

3. Poem: "Lessons from the Dwarf," by N. Rakoczy

4. R. Bundang: Unwrapping one’s mother with the
mother tongue

5. Psalm 139

6. J. Murray: Tiny Hands

7. Bread for the Journey by Henri Nouwen

8. Fr. B. Hoover,CSP: Unwrapping and acquiring Spanish

9. Psalm 62

10. P. Kehoe: Unwrapping and 911

11. Poem: "Prayer Falls Softly," by N. Rakoczy

12. Thomas Merton on faith

13. Magnificat / A. Suriano

14. D. Archer: Unwrapping and bi-polar

15. Poem: "Hope," by N. Rakoczy

16. A. Suriano: Unwrapping my unworthiness

17. Prayer: “Above all trust in the slow work of God . . .”
Thomas Merton

Performance Art: The UNWRAPPING; poem, "Good Friday,"
by N. Rakoczy

Please join us in singing ‘O Freedom.'


O Freedom
O Freedom
Freedom is coming
Oh yes, I know

Oh yes, I know
Oh yes, I know
Freedom is coming
Oh yes, I know.

O Jesus
O Jesus
Jesus is coming
O yes, I know

O yes, I know
O yes, I know
Jesus is coming
O yes, I know.

Care to comment? Visit my blog at http://apps.nancyrakoczy.com/Blog